Adjective. The original identities of indigenous populations (in particular, those which have historically been colonized) are constantly under threat by dominating narratives that erase native traditions. Particularly in the U.S., where Native Americans have been kicked off their own land and are still under the domination of a colonizing entity, many indegenous identities have been erased and suppressed through centuries of imperial domination. As one can see in the following example, even communities and spaces designed for the celebration of “minority” populations participate in the exclusion of indigenous voices, but the fight for visibility must be continued by the global community.
Indigenous two-spirit individuals are fighting to be recognized in the modern LGBT community due to the appropriation of sacred forms of expression and the lack of visibility for indigenous LGBT voices.
Pierce, Joseph. “There is No ‘Pride’ in Appropriation.” Hyperallergic. Last modified July 17, 2019.