Verb. Imperialism has been a driving factor in forming global power dynamics throughout history, and its effects are seen clearly in the ongoing advantage that formerly (or currently) imperialist nations have against disenfranchised populations. Racism and xenophobia serve to further divide people, allowing society to ignore the historical bases in which such values have been formed or superimposed upon us. As a result, both casual and severe acts of racism or appropriation are often perpetuated by minority communities against one another. Fetishization, ignorance, colorism, and stereotypes all contribute to the continued objectification of non-Western cultures, and ultimately serve to solidify the dominance of preexisting “mainstream” standards.
“From all of this money, nothing goes to the true artists, the true designers, those who fight every day to keep their families afloat while they struggle to get materials for their creations. There was once a time when people of color were prosecuted by their traditions or the way they dressed. Now white people have taken that history of oppression and turned it to their favor. Selling ‘exotic’ traditions as they participate in a discriminatory system.”
Nara, Elba. “How Cultural Appropriation Profits from the History of the Oppressed.” Affinity Magazine, March 26, 2017.